We have full-fledged computer lab with ample number of computers and other allied facilities. Our dedicated and trained professionals guide the students through practical applications of computer science with the help of learning tools. All the computers are networked which facilitates practical sessions. Every classroom has got a computer. Teaching Learning is taking place through computer in the class room.

A Maths Lab is a space designed for students to learn mathematics by performing activities and hands on experience. Students are allowed to explore mathematical concepts and verify mathematical facts and theorems through a variety of activities. A Training also conducted for our Maths Teachers in this regard.
All the glass apparatus are of good quality to minimize the breakage. The chemicals are stored in the proper reagent bottles and are easily accessible to the students. The students are able to perform all the practicals required for CBSE prescribed syllabus.

The worktops provided to the students are wide and spacious. The tables are provided with in-built sockets for electrical connections of circuits.
The School also has an English Language Lab, in order to equip the students of all classes with good communication and language skills.